You can catch us performing soon for the Night before St. Paddy’s Day, an hour of Irish music in celebration of the day to wear green! Details of the concert can be found at our concert announcement.
The narrative voice — developing It’s all in the telling as installation
Developing It’s all in the telling as an interactive installation
St. Patrick’s Day is almost here!
Introducing Mary McDonald, fine art multimedia artist. I am committed to telling stories in ways that cross disciplines and mix the arts. I am fascinated by movement, drawn to images, stilled in sound, and inspired by words.
I have always been a writer. I have dabbled in visual arts. I discovered a passion for animation, in particular, fine art multimedia animation through the graduate, Master’s of Educational Technology (MET) I am pursuing through an international, online program offered at the University of British Columbia. I began creating animations and artistic video for projects for my courses — twisting assignments to suit my passions and desire to create.